Welcome to DJ’s Alliance. We’re so sorry you’re here, but we’re so glad you found us. DJ’s Alliance was founded by suicide loss survivors and community leaders who want to walk this path together. You are not alone! Here in our corner of the First State, we are bold and charismatic, loving and tender, and built with the biggest hearts you can imagine. Some of us were thrown down the suicide loss path unexpectedly and most assuredly while kicking and screaming the loudest screams we never even knew could escape from the deepest depths of our bodies. Others are here because they hear that 3pain and want to help lessen it because that is what a community does for each other. Either way, we hope you rest easier today knowing that somebody is here for you in Delaware.

DJ’s Alliance is working on creating a safer space for suicide loss survivors in Delaware by connecting with first responders and others who encounter our fellow community members immediately following a suicide. If you need resources, or would like to have resources for your community outreach efforts, please let us know. We’re better together.

We are NOT a mental health organization and we do not provide therapy or other direct services. But we will walk this road with you. We’re growing and will continue to seek the best supportive options out there for postvention efforts in Delaware. And chances are, we’ll cuss and pray or send good vibes along the way. Just know that you are loved by someone close to home. You’re not alone. And for those of you considering helping the mission of DJ’s Alliance – Thank You. It takes a village, right? Thanks for being our village.